A digital charity gift card is such a great way to donate.

Just like a conventional gift card, it can be loaded-up with any amount of money, and sent to anyone. But the funds can only ever be donated to charity. And the cardholder is free to decide which charity they want the money to go to.

It’s quick simple and rewarding – for the gift giver, the recipient, and the charity they choose to donate to.

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How it works

Buy for family or friends

Some gifts can achieve incredible things. And the For Good Causes gift card is one of them.

You can buy one right now, from this website, for any of your family or friends. Any, by giving the ‘Gift of Giving’, you empower them to donate the funds to their favourite charity.

For anyone who cares about good causes, it’s the perfect gift.

Buy as a business

Charity gift cards are a great way to strengthen your CSR programmes, incentive schemes and corporate fundraising initiatives.

You enable employees or customers to donate money to the causes they care about the most – which increases your engagement with them and reflects well on your brand.

The cards can be bought, one-by-one or in batches, for any denomination. And they can be branded in any way you like. It’s quick, simple, secure and rewarding.



If you’re a business, everything can be branded and personalised. And, if you’d prefer, acceptance could be limited to a particular charity or sub-set of charities.


All payments are completely secure, and everyone is protected by the latest online encryption technology.


It’s the first and only universal charity gift card – enabling the cardholder to donate to the cause they feel most passionate about.